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Vocabulary Words Unit One...​


1. Relieved - no longer feeling distressed or anxious


2. Vanished - to disappear from sight


3. Amused - to provide or find something fun and enjoyable to do


4. Manure - animal dung used as fertilizer


5. Runt - the smallest weakest animal of a litter


6. Distribute - to share something


7. Appetite - a natural desire for food


8. Injustice - something that isn't fair, a violation of someone's rights

Word Study


Define It

* Use a dictionary to define each of this week's words.

* Write your definitions on a piece of paper.

Picture Dictionary

* Divide your paper into squares.

* Write one vocabulary word in each box.

* Write a sentence that shows the meaning of each word   at the bottom of the box.

* Draw a detailed, colored picture that shows the           meaning of the word and goes along with your sentence.

Link It

* Look at your vocabulary words.  Try to come up with connections between the words.

* The connections might be based on the definitions of the word, the words themselves, or the context you might use the word.

* Write at least 3 sentences that follow the model below:

EX: practice, develop, and manufacture

Practice is connected to develop because you must practice in order to develop your skills.

Develop is connected to manufacture because you must develop a plan before you can start manufacturing a new product.

Vocabulary Sort

* Look over your vocabulary.

* Divide the words into 2, 3, or 4 groups that have something in common. (ex: parts of speech)

* List the words with category they belong to in a chart.

Vocabulary Story

* Write a story using all of your vocabulary words.

* Underline the vocabulary words as you use them.

* Your story can be silly, but it must make sense!

* Your sentences must show the meaning of each word.

* Draw a detailed picture to illustrate your story.

Synonym Match

* Divide your paper into two columns by folding the page in half and tracing the line.

* Write your vocabulary word in the first column and at least one synonym for each word in the second column.

Antonym Match

* Divide your paper into two columns by folding the page in half and tracing the line.

* Write your vocabulary word in the first column and at least one antonym for each word in the second column.

Picture Perfect

* Create a slide show.

* Search online for a picture to illustrate each word.

* Paste the picture onto a new slide, with the word as the title.

* Write a caption for each picture using the vocabulary word in your sentence.

Present It

* Make a slide show for all of the vocabulary words.

* Make one slide for each word.

* For each word, you must include:

- The parts of speech

- Any root words, prefixes and/or suffixes

- The definition

- A sentence



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